VOX AETERNA - The COVID Variations

VOX AETERNA - The COVID Variations
By Rafael Bresciani
Sars-CoV-2 mortality data, generative algorithm, choir
Certificate of Authenticity
Not for sale
About this artwork
VOX AETERNA - THE COVID VARIATIONS is a series of audiovisual pieces created after the sonification of COVID-19 mortality data at some chosen countries, during 2020. The year of 2020 was a historical one for humanity. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, nearly two million people died and every single society in the planet felt the impact of such happening in its daily basis. But even with an ongoing worldwide deadly disease we still struggle to accept the need of basic control. “We’re fighting an infodemic”, said the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in February 2020. This gap in the communication process – between the real and the perceived dimension of the challenge we are facing as society – is the core of the proble ...
VOX AETERNA - The COVID Variations
Rafael Bresciani
Rafael Bresciani
Date of period
Type of object
Audio visual series
Materials and techniques
Sars-CoV-2 mortality data, generative algorithm, choir
Sonification and Visualization of Covid-19 mortality in 2020
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